Recipe Download: Captain’s Apple Dumplings

This rustic yet elegant dessert originated in the 1800’s with the Captain’s lady.  It boasts loads of apple pie gooiness in a petite personal serving size.  Easy enough for a child to prepare, but classy enough for any gathering. CHOOSE How You Download: 1> FREE download inside our privately hosted homesteading network 2> Grab […]

Recipe Download: Canning Whole Peeled Tomatoes

When most people think of canned tomatoes, this old-fashioned pantry staple is what come to mind.  They are an easy canning project that just requires blanching and peeling.  You’ll enjoy them in soups, sauces, pasta dishes, casseroles, breakfasts, pies, and more. CHOOSE How You Download: 1> FREE download inside our privately hosted homesteading network […]